Fisheries Minister D Jayakumar said this while responding to the remark of BJP state president L Murugan that the BJP would not accept the views expressed by AIADMK ministers
Amid the war of words between leaders of the BJP and the AIADMK, the latter on Saturday advised allies to respect the alliance dharma, or else the ruling party would be forced to hit back.
Fisheries Minister D Jayakumar said this while responding to the remark of BJP state president L Murugan that the BJP would not accept the views expressed by ministers. Asked whether he was of the opinion that the BJP had failed to respect the alliance dharma, Jayakumar said his remark was not aimed at the BJP but it was a general request to all allies.
In this connection, the Minister said, “Our late leaders MGR and Amma have taught us that we should not drag others into a fight but when others do that, we should give it back. Those who are in the alliance should maintain alliance dharma. That is our request.”
Asked whether he was accusing the BJP of not maintaining the alliance dharma, Jayakumar said, “I say this as a general norm for all in the alliance. The AIADMK rule should continue in Tamil Nadu. This is the alliance dharma. I hope you understand my point.”
On the wall posters appearing in Theni district portraying actor Vijay in the attire of former Chief Minister MG Ramachandran, the Minister said, “Everyone cannot become MGR.”