Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami condoled the death and ordered the police to take severe action against the organisers of the disaster management drill in which Logeswari died
N Logeswari, a second year BBA student of Kovai Kalaimagal College of Arts and Science in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu died when she jumped from the second floor of the college building during a disaster management training session.
In a video that has gone viral, Logeswari can be seen seated on the sunshade just below the second floor of the college building with a trainer standing next to her prodding her to jump on Thursday evening. The girl looks reluctant but finally accepts the trainer’s instruction.
The police have arrested the trainer identified as Arumugham. Though some Twitter posts suggest that the college Dean Dr Vijaylakshmi has blamed Logeswari for not following the trainer’s instructions properly
Police said R Arumugam, who claimed to be a trainer of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), was arrested based on a complaint by the student’s father and remanded to custody.
However, the NDMA said it was not associated with the drill and that the trainer was not authorised by it to conduct the exercise.
“Unfortunate that this incident has happened & we have lost a young life. Our heartfelt condolences to the family,” it said.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami condoled the student’s death and expressed his sympathies to the family of the deceased. He has directed the police and the higher education department to take stringent action against those who organised the drill “without obtaining due approval”.
He also announced a solatium of ₹5 lakh to the victim’s family.