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GM Rishi Raj Singh molested a girl sheraton hotel

The Hush Post: In an incident that puts the country to shame, two women from Mexico were allegedly molested by none other than the General Manager (GM) of a five-star hotel in Jaipur. The GM has now been arrested and sent to police custody for three days.

GM Rishi Raj Singh
Accused Rish Raj Singh, General Manager of Rajputana Sheraton Hotel in Jaipur.

The hotelier has been accused of molesting two Mexican female tourists at the five-star hotel. The 40-year-old accused, Rishi Raj Singh, GM of Rajputana Sheraton Hotel, was held on Wednesday following a complaint from the Mexican female tourists. The CCTV footage of the hotel also confirmed the allegation, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Vikash Pathak was quoted as saying in a report.

DCP Pathak reportedly said the women had checked into the hotel on Tuesday and accused GM Rishi Raj Singh molested them later that night, it was reported. The first information report (FIR) was lodged at the Vidhayakpuri police station, under the jurisdiction of which the hotel falls, a report said.

The Vidhayakpuri police’s station house officer (SHO) said the victim women have left for New Delhi and a team is being sent there to record their statements.

“The accused was produced before a local court where the magistrate remanded him to police custody till 30 June,” the SHO was quoted as saying in the report.

Accused GM Rishi Raj Singh faces charges of assault or using criminal force on a woman with intent to outrage her modesty, the report said.

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