Indonesia: Wife burns husband alive after he denies sharing mobile passcode

Indonesia: Wife burns husband alive after he denies sharing mobile passcode

An Indonesian woman set her husband ablaze after he refused to share his mobile password with her, reported multiple local media outlets.

Dedi Purnama, 26, was busy repairing the roof tiles of his house when Ilham Cahyani, his 25-year-old wife, asked for his phone’s password. This led to an argument following which Purnama hit his wife.

Angered by the move, Cayhani set him ablaze while he was still alive. Purnama died two days after the incident in the East Lombok Regency of the Indonesian Province of West Nusa Tenggara.

Commenting on the incident occurred last Saturday (January 12), Jarowaru police chief said the wife had been arrested following the incident. Describing the incident, police officers said the argument escalated after Purnama hit his wife.

Local media reports suggest that Cayhani immediately grabbed a bottle of petrol and poured it on her husband. She then used a lighter to set him ablaze.

Purnama’s pictures showed that the upper part of his body and arms were completely burnt. His face was also burnt in patches.

It seems, however, that her she attacked husband due to repeated acts of violence and not just because he denied sharing passcode for his phone.

As of now, it is not known whether the police have charged the wife but she continues to remain in police custody and the investigation to find out whether there was a deeper motive is being investigated by the police department.

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