Rahul Dravid, renowned for his calm demeanor on and off the cricket field, recently shared why he chose not to show his sons his exuberant celebration following India’s T20 World Cup victory. Known for his nickname “The Wall,” Dravid’s career was celebrated for his exceptional batting, but he had never won an ICC trophy until he became Team India’s coach.
Under Dravid’s guidance, India clinched the T20 World Cup in 2024, marking their first ICC trophy in 11 years. The victory was particularly special as the World Cup final, where India defeated South Africa, was also Dravid’s final game as the team’s coach. The moment of triumph was an emotional one, showcasing a side of Dravid not often seen by the public.
The 51-year-old, who is usually soft-spoken, let loose in a passionate celebration while holding the trophy. Despite this rare display of emotion, Dravid revealed that he purposely kept this moment from his sons, Samit and Anvay. At the CEAT Awards, he explained, “We strived to achieve something together. When you reach the end, celebrating like that feels great, but I try to avoid showing it to my children, fearing they might think I’ve lost my mind.”
Dravid continued, “I always tell my boys to maintain balance and stay composed, regardless of the results. Thankfully, it was my last game, or they might have thought, ‘you’re preaching one thing but doing another.'”
In August, Dravid’s son Samit made headlines by earning a spot in India’s Under-19 squad for the upcoming series against Australia. The series will take place in Puducherry on September 21, 23, and 26, with Mohammad Amaan leading the Indian team.
Dravid’s thoughtful approach underscores his commitment to setting a good example for his children, even in moments of personal triumph.